Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Happy Birthday Andy

Never did I think I would celebrate Andy's 30th Birthday.. without him here. July 22nd Andy turned thirty. Although he was not here in person we had a party anyways.It was our Christmas in July. We had his favorite food ( Mexican), and sweets for desert. Our family all gathered in honor of him. My Mother set up a donation box for Teen Challenge in honor of Andy. I can't believe it has been 9 months today. I miss him so much.. Happy Birthday Bub... Muah.

Our Swim Team

With spending so much time at the pool the kids are loving it more than ever. We try to go every evening, and on weekends. The pool is closed on Mondays for private parties, but the rest of the time not working you can plan on us being there. Lillian and Kerrington have become great swimmers. They both are doing swimming lessons. 

Campbell started out with hating the water, and not wanting anything to do it. Now, he can't wait to get in, and enjoys every minute of it. They never want to get out, and always want to go. 

Going to the pool so much has introduced us to so many people. We have had the privileged of meeting a lot of the neighbors. We met a girl that will be in Lillian's kindergarten class. Kerrington has met a lot of kiddos her age too. It has become a great way to have fun without spending any money. Buying a house with a neighborhood pool was the best idea yet. You never know... they could be future Olympians.

Wow, I can't believe I have not wrote a blog since we have moved into our home. We have been here since the middle of May. Our life has been nothing short of pure craziness. We have been non stop since moving in May. 

We are loving our house so much, and could not be happier then we are now. The amount of space we have is amazing, and having a neighborhood pool to spend almost every day at is awesome too. 

There are still things that need to be done, but we are taking it one step at a time. Most of the items are wants and not needs. I am really happy here, and there is not one thing I would change. We are so happy to provide a beautiful home for our three children. It really is starting to feel like home! 

Monday, May 14, 2012

Beautiful weather=Park

We have been so blessed with beautiful weather this past week. I have enjoyed it so much. The kids have been able to play outside a lot. My parents live really close to a park with a walking trail that runs right in front of their home to the park. The girls love to ride their bikes on the trail to the park. They would do it every night if they could. Campbell loves to sit and watch everything. That boy loves being outdoors. We went to the park on Saturday, and I thought I would share some of the pictures from our trip. Enjoy!

This week we are looking forward to getting the keys to our new home. We can't wait.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

My Cearal Eating Boy

Last weekend Campbell was started on baby cereal. I was a little nervous on how he would do, because I had a hard time with Kerrington. Lillian did great, but she was not a preemie like the two of them. I admit I was not too excited for him to start. I am having a hard time letting him grow up. He's my last baby, and I feel with each milestone he hits, he is less my baby. He's already half a year old! 

So, I got the cereal all ready. He surprised me so much. He opened his mouth for it. Hardly any of it fell out, and he ate all of it. I was so relieved. I don't think he will have the struggles that Kerrington did. My plan right now is to introduce a new food every Sunday night. This Sunday we will start with green vegetables. I can already tell this boy is going to be just like his Dad. He loves his food A LOT. I am pretty sure he will be eating us out of the house when he gets older. Way to go Campbell on your cereal eating!

Smartie Pants

Two weeks ago Lillian went for her Kindergarten screening. This is a screening process they do in Nixa for all students attending Kindergarten in the fall. They use this a guidline. This is my first time ever going to a Kindergarten screening. Here is how it went down.. 

We walked in the front doors of the administration building. Lillian signed in, and they took it right back. They parents don't attend. They took Lillian back, and then I had to fill out paperwork, and talk to the school nurse. I thought this was going to be somewhat of a fast process. Little did I know one hour went by, and Lillian was still not back out to the waiting room. I was starting to wonder what was going on. I was sitting next to another Mom who insured me that this does take a long time. I felt better. Finally ten more minutes went by, and there she comes! The teacher came out laughing, and Lillian seemed worn out. 

I went back to another room, and they went over Lillian's report with me. She scored a 99%, and she would have scored 100%. Here is why she did not score 100%. The last activity Lillian had to do was count out loud. Lillian can count to 20 with no problems at all. She got to 12,and looked up at the teacher and said, " I can count more than that, but I am done with this." This explains why the teacher was laughing when Lillian came out. That's my girl. I am so proud of her. Way to go Sis. 

Ok, here is my confession... I did cry in the car on the way there. Here is a picture of my big girl.

The past 4 weeks

So, I want to apologize for not blogging in such a long time. The one word I would use for this is.. exhausted. I am so tired. We have been at my parent's house for the past four weeks. This is our last weekend staying here. It has been very nice, and we are very lucky to have a place to stay. The first couple weeks Campbell was getting up 4-5 times a night. It was seriously putting a toll on me mentally and physically. I remember waking up one night after the fifth time, and then waking up Tony telling him he HAD to do something. I think I ended up in bed with Lillian in a different room. That is not a night I want to revisit anytime too soon. 

I can't believe this coming week I will get to go home. My Mom says she won't be sad, but I think she will. We have lot's of things we have to get done this week on top of us both working. I am grateful for the guys who have agreed to help, and my Mom for taking off work to come help me un-pack. I am ready to start and be done with moving. I hope to never move again. Now, if Friday could get here soon that would be great. Thanks again to our little helpers.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Goodbye home

This morning around 9AM Tony and I closed on our old house. The two of us went this morning and did a final walk through, and said good bye. Yes, I cried. I feel so empty. What a great house it was! We will miss it, but look so forward to our new home. Tony and I feel very relieved that it's sold. It went by so fast. This past week was very stressful due to the appraisal issues we had to work around.

I hope the new buyer will cherish the home as much as we did. I feel so blessed to have had that home. I will miss some of our neighbors, but look forward to meeting new ones. As a chapter closed today, I am looking forward to a new one. A big thanks to my brother for all his help, and to everyone who has supported us. I am sure the sadness will wear off sometime. As for now.. Goodbye Crestwick house, and thanks for all the memories!

The picture is of the girls looking out their window for the last time.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Our last week...

We are half way through this week. This is our last week in our home. I have been really sick this week on top of making sure Lillian's party goes well, and finishing all the packing. This has been a very challenging week.

I have so many mixed emotions, and yes I am sure I will cry leaving our house for the very last time. We have brought all three kids home from the hospital to this house, and have created so many memories. With our three kids being so young I know much more memories will be created in our new home. As my Mom told me, "Don't think about what you're leaving behind. Think about what you're getting." This is so vey true. We will soon be moving to a beautiful home with much more room for our family. Tony and I have worked so hard at saving money. I feel we 100% deserve it. As these next four nights come to an end I will cherish and look back at how great this home was for starting our family. I am so glad I have all the pictures to remember. I hope the next owner enjoys the house as much as we have. We are one blessed family!

The picture I have shared is the girls last trip to the neighborhood playground!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Lillian's Easter Party

Lillian was out of school Friday to honor Good Friday. Therefore, the school held an Easter Party on Wednesday. I was so lucky to be a part of it. I love seeing Lillian interact with her classmates. Her school does such a great job planning events.

Durning her party the kids got to each paint a picture frame, play games, and have a special snack. They really have a great group of kids, and it has been fun watching them grow these past couple of years.

Kerrington will attend preschool in the fall, and I hope the same teachers are still around. We really enjoy Second Baptist.

Our Easter

Ok, I know I am a little behind on posting about our Easter. It has been so crazy. We had a great Easter. The five of us went to church together. I put my baby in the nursery for the first time, and got paged to go get him towards the end. He was screaming and they could not get him to calm down. As soon as he was handed over to me he looked up at me with the biggest smile. I guess he just needed his mommy. Campbell and I finished watching the service on tv in the nursery while Lillian and Tony stayed in the sanctuary. Kerrington was in her Sunday school class. It was a great service.

Tony and I got the kids a small Easter basket, and played outside most of the day. We ended the night by driving around our new neighborhood we will soon move to in May. I hope everyone had a great Easter, and thanked the Lord for what he did for us.

I will leave you with some pictures of the kiddos getting into their baskets. Campbell was very serious about his.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Happy Birthday Lillian

 Dear Lillian,

    Five years ago today you changed my life forever. I became a Mommy for the first time ever. I can't believe how big and beautiful you are. You bring lot's of smiles and laughs into the house everyday. When asked today what you wanted to be when you grow up you told me you wanted to be a star with lot's of dresses and lights. When asked what your favorite food was you told me chicken wings. You want a nerf gun and dresses for your Birthday. You are so smart, and already know things that I did not know. I never knew how fast time really flies until today when you turned five. I am so lucky that I was picked to be your Mommy, and can't wait for you to start school. You are a wonderful Big Sister, and daughter. I love you SO much, and am so thankful for you. I love you to the moon and back! 


Grandparent's Day

Wednesday at Lillian's Preschool was Grandparent's Day. Grandparent's were allowed to come to school for an hour and participate in Easter egg coloring, and games. Lillian only has one set of Grandparent's that live near. Her other Grandparent's live in Maryland. My parents both got attend. Lillian was very excited for her Nana and Poppy to come to her school. She made two beautiful eggs, and got to play several games. I am so glad that her school does these types of things. I wish I had memories of dying eggs with my Grandparents. After the event at Lillian's school Nana and Poppy took Lillian out to lunch, and spent some quality time with her.

 I begged my Dad to take lot's of pictures, and was surprised with the outcome. Lillian later that day ate one of Easter eggs, and liked it very much. I thought that was kinda funny. What kid wants to eat the eggs they color? Thank you Mom and Dad for taking such good care of Lillian. These pictures are priceless.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Her Big Girl Seat

My sweet Kerrington is now in what we call "A Big Girl Car seat". For her Birthday Tony's parents got Kerrington a new car seat. She has been waiting so long to have a seat like her sister. Everyday she would ask me when she could get a big girl seat. Every time we move a child into a different seat it feels like a big milestone.  I can't believe she is not my baby that I am carrying around in a infant seat. Instead, she is now a big girl that gets in and out of the car by herself. I do have to help her buckle the seat belt. The kids don't have much room which makes it hard to buckle. My girl is growing up so fast, and makes me smile everyday. Kerrington, 
   I am so proud of you, and your new big girl car seat. You have waited a long time, and now you finally have it. I love you to the moon and back


We Are Buying A House!!!!

 After looking at every house on the market in Nixa, and some in Ozark. Tony and I have found a home we love. We have looked at it three times, and each time we looked at it we liked it more. 
We went back and fourth over the weekend, and finally agreed on the price. In addition, we are getting a huge tree in the backyard removed, and a new kitchen table ( all part of the deal).
I feel very lucky, and so excited to spend the first night in our new home. The downfall, our first night won't be until May 18th. 

This is the first home that will be under my name. Tony had this house before we got married, and we never added my name to the house. We have both worked really hard this past year to save for our new home, and are still continuing to work hard. We can't wait to give our children more space, and a great neighborhood that does so many things with kids. Lillian will get to go to the best school in the state of Missouri, and Tony and I will have shorter drives to work. You can beat that! Thank you for those who have been praying for us, and our search. Thank for my parents who are letting us stay with them until we can move in. I can't wait to have all of our friends and family over for our first BBQ. Here are a few pictures. I don't have too many, because the home is for sale by owner. Enjoy! 



Missing In Action

Well, as most of you have been asking I am here to tell you why I have not blogged in a long time.

   I am a Momma with three beautiful children, and trying to move all at the same time. All of my free time right now is being used packing and sleeping. At this point I feel that I am packing more then anything. 

Second, my purse was taken away from me, and my credit cards, drivers license, and checks were all taken too. I have been busy sorting through that, and getting my license back. My vehicle was in the shop last week getting all new locks and new window due to break in. My fault, and I take 100% of the blame. At the time the purse was the last thing on my mind while trying to get three kiddos in and out of vehicle. Do I think that that made it right for someone to bash my window with a brick, and take my things? No way. I must say that I am very happy for great auto insurance with no deductible, and I great bank that is paying me back for all the charges put on my debit card. I do hope they catch the criminal. It was just really bad timing for this event to take place, but all is well. I still need to get a wallet sometime. 

   I feel really guilty about blogging right now, but I need to rest. I can't wait for our new home. Details to follow. 


Friday, March 23, 2012

Under Contract

    I would like to announce that after only being on the market for two weeks our home is under contract. I never thought things would move this fast, but they did. We are so very lucky. I have friends that have had their home on the market for almost a year!

Tony and I have been looking at houses like crazy. We looked at a ton over the past weekend, three last night, and a bunch are on the list for tomorrow. Right now we have two at the top of the list. They are both beautiful homes. I am going into this weekend with an open mind to see what else is out there. We will not rush into a home. We will stay with my parents until we get the right home for our family.

I have enjoyed looking into all these homes. I have gotten a ton of ideas. There are some homes that looked great, and others that did not look so great. Our relator has been amazing. I am so very happy with our choice in relator, and would recommend her to anyone. Although this has gone so smooth so far I am ready to be done with it, and build new memories in our new home. 

Also, my Mom this week has taken some time off. Sheree has been watching the kids for me, and I am so thankful for that. They love Sheree, and she takes such good care of my babies. Thank you Sheree for all  your kindness. You are one awesome friend. Thank you for all you do.

I really should stop blogging, but I want to make sure I am documenting on all of our big events that our taking place. At this point today I am happy to be "Under Contract", but very overwhelmed. We have to be out of our home April 17th. That is just around the corner. Thank you for those that are helping. We are so blessed to have such great family and friends. More to come...

Thursday, March 15, 2012

1st Day of Pre-K

Friday morning was Lillian's first day back to preschool. She was very excited, but a little nervous. She does not do that well with change. I found a little gift for her to give to the teacher, and my Mom wrapped it for me the night before.

The night before preschool, she got her fingernails painted, and had a trip to the mall. Lillian loves to get her fingernails painted. I took Kerrington for the first time, but she decided not to do it. I think she was a little too scared. Lillian, while at the nail salon, did ask me why all the boys in the nail salon looked like her Daddy. I thought it was really cute, and she went on to explain that they are Asian just like Daddy and herself. 

Friday morning came and it was time to take Kerrington to my Mom's house. Lillian went to work with me until it was time to take her to preschool. Before we left the house, I made sure to get her pictures with some signs I printed off. Lillian is not a big fan of taking pictures. We dropped Kerrington off and to my work we went. She really enjoys going to work with me, and now knows several of the people I work with. After being there for an hour, we headed to her preschool. I let her sit in the front seat while in the car line. As our car got closer to the front of the line she was getting really excited. Her teacher was out there waiting for her, and came to get her out of the car. The first thing Lillian told her was that she had a present for her. Lillian got out of the car and I watched her walk through the doors.  

I went downhill from there. Yes, I did cry!! Not a lot, but I did. 

Lillian is just getting so big, and I can't believe next year I will have a 
kindergartner and Kerrington will start preschool. Wow, time sure does fly. 

In the car 
waiting for her turn.