Saturday, December 31, 2011

Farewell 2011 .....

Wow, I can't believe that I am writing my final blog of 2011. What a crazy year this has been! There are so many things that I will remember for the rest of my life. The ones that had the biggest impact on my lifer were sitting in my brothers hospital room, and waiting for his heart to beat for the last time of his life. Second, was God giving me the most handsome healthiest baby boy. Two events that have changed my life..

With those two being huge events there are tons of other things that happened in 2011. Here are just a few to remember..

Both of my Daughters Birthday's 
Family vacation to Maryland
The amazing Gender reveal party 
The last time speaking to Andy ( October 29th) 
Kansas City Trip with Tony's parents, and Krissy
Lillian learning to ride a bike for the first time 
Kerrington being potty trained 
Taking the girls to all their swimming lessons with Lane 
Baby Shower given by Sheree
Shopping trip with my Mom after finding out the gender or Campbell 
My two hospital stays while pregnant
Learning to make my own laundry detergent ( Im still using it) 
Campbell's first Christmas 
Going to Wickman's Garden fall festival for the last time as a family of four 
Watching my brother Gregor hang pom pom's for various parties 
The birth of my best friends first child 
My nephew's first birthday
Becoming closer as a family, and a great story to be told that Andy left us with. 

These are just a few of events that were so memorable. There were much more. I am looking forward to 2012, and hoping it's a less eventful year for us. I wish the best of year to all my family and friends, and thank you all for your love and support this past year. We are truly blessed to have all of you . Happy New Year!!! Bring it on 2012... 

This picture if Property of Owens Photography, Springfield Missouri

Movie Night

A couple weeks ago Lillian's school hosted a free movie night for the showing of The Drummer Boy (veggie tales) . All of us were invited. I decided not to take Campbell with us. My Mom was kind enough to keep him while we attended the show.We carried in blankets and pillows, and headed for the gym floor. Lillian's school provided drinks, popcorn, and goldfish. When checking in for the movie the teachers handed out tickets for raffles. Unfortunately, we were not one of the lucky winners. Better luck next time. We had a great time just the four of us. It reminded me how easy it was with three kids. I found myself getting a little bored, and eating tons of popcorn. I am so glad I now have three little ones to take care of. I already can't imagine what life would be like. 

The movie was great, and the girls deserved a night out with Tony and myself. They really enjoyed all the attention without any bottles or diapers around. It was the perfect date night with my girls. 

Friday, December 30, 2011

Christmas 2011

Christmas this year was like no other year before. I had a mix of emotions the entire holiday season. I was so sad to not have my brother with me this year, but at the same time I had 6 week old healthy preemie baby at home with me. I experienced such a high and such a low at the same time. It was hard to grasp Andy not being there with us. Very weird feeling I don't know how to explain. It was a Christmas I will never forget. 

The girls had a great Christmas. They got some great gifts. Santa brought Lillian a princess guitar, and Kerrington a cars play set she wanted. We could not be with Tony's family on Christmas so they shipped their gifts to us. They will for sure be busy for a while. Campbell got lots of things he needed. Our elf stayed until the very end. I found myself getting a little sad when I had to put her up for a year. Tony and I really enjoyed placing her around the house, and surprising the girls. 

December was a pretty calm month. I am thankful that I finally got some down time this month. I hope everyone of you had a Merry Christmas. Enjoy the pictures .


Sunday, December 18, 2011

Poppy gives girls $10.00 each

The girls were at my parents house the other day when Poppy gave the girls each $10.00. They were thrilled. We never give them money so this was a special treat for them. Tony's parents have given them money one time too. Those are the only two times I can think of that they were given money. Lilllian and my Mom were talking about the money, and it was decided that Lillian would get Poppy a Christmas present with it. She could hardly wait to get to the store to purchase my Dad something. Kerrington was also very excited to get Poppy something too. 

This morning the three of us headed out the door to Walmart. Tony stayed back with Campbell. We got to Walmart and Lillian decided she would buy something for Nana too. Lillian told me she would spend $5.00 on Nana, and $5.00 on Poppy. I got to thinking she did the math in her head. I had no idea she could do numbers that high in her head! I will not share what the girls got them, but it was very fun. I was so happy they were willing to spend money on others , and not for them. Next year I want to adopt a family. I think it would be so much fun, and such a great learning experience for the girls.Hope you enjoy the pictures of our shopping trip. 

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Dear Girls

 Dear Lillian and Kerrington, 

               What a year we have had! Mommy and Daddy have turned your world around by giving you a little brother. We are so proud of how well you take care of him. The both of you have been troopers through it all. Mommy was in the hospital three times, and you both handled it well. Kerrington, you still ask me everyday if I am going back to the hospital. I love how much you care, and always want to take of Daddy and myself. You are such a sweetheart. 
Lillian, We are  so proud of you. Campbell is so lucky to have you have you as his big sister. You are such a smart girl. Thank you for always making us laugh. You are my big girl! 
Mommy and Daddy love you both more than you will ever know. You both bring more smiles and laughs then anything. Our lives would not be complete without the both of you in them. Like Daddy always tells you both, " I'll always love you no matter what."  We love you girls! 

 Daddy & Mommy 

Lillian's Christmas Program

Last week Lillian's preschool hosted a Christmas program followed by an art show. The kids sang about 4 songs, and then we went into the gymnasium to look at Lillian's artwork. I was so proud of all her hard work. She was very excited to have all of us at her school to watch her. Lillian showed off her brother to all her friends and teachers. Kerrington cheered for her after each song. I came home with Campbell after the program, and Lillian went for some ice cream afterwards. I am so glad Lillian gets to go to preschool three times a week. They have a great program, and it gets her away from my Mom for a bit. Everytime I post about her school I can't help but to think I will have a Kindergartner next year! Where in the world has time gone? 

I enjoyed every second of her little program. It brought many smiles to my face. Good job Lillian! 

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Campbell is one month old!!

I know I am a little late posting this, but I have just been really busy. I can't believe our little guy is over a month old now. He is doing great. On Thursday the nurse came out to our house to get his vitals, and to give him his second Synagis shot. The Synagis shot is given to all preemies 35 weeks and younger. It is to protect against the RSV virus. These shots can only be given through a home health agency due to cost of the vaccine ( $3,500 per shot). He will be given one every 28 days until the end of flu season. Thank goodness for insurance. 

Campbell now weighs 6lbs 11oz, and is 20 inches long. He is staring to go a little longer in between feedings, and is taking closer to 4oz per feeding. We are still giving him the higher calorie formula, and he is still using his special needs bottle which is for babies who have a hard time eating. I will be taking him to the speech therapists on the 19th of this month to discuss if he's ready to transition over to a regular bottle. He will be getting his next set of labs done on his kidneys the end of this month too. We are staying pretty busy! I am looking forward to less appointments, and healthy kidneys.

Sleeping? Well, what's that? I am getting some sleep. Tony is a night owl so he's stays up to do the late feeding around 11pm, and I follow with the rest. I have been trying to go to bed between 8 and 9. I look extremely forward to the weekends, because Tony is home. Today, all 3 kids took a 3 hour nap at the same time. Tony and I also got a 3 hour nap. I was very thankful for that nap. It was way overdue for the both of us. 

The girls and I went to Barnes and Noble Friday night for story time. It was The Polar Express. My Mom met us there. It was nice to get out of the house with the girls. Tonight I took them out again, and we went and looked at Christmas lights. The really wish they had lights on their house. I enjoy just looking at them. As we approach this holiday season I am looking forward to seeing my three children on Christmas Day, and celebrating my brother's first Christmas in Heaven. I can only imagine how awesome that will be for him. I am so thankful for Tony's and I families. We love them all so much, and are very lucky to have such great support. As always enjoy the pictures. 

Thursday, December 1, 2011

December is Here!

December is one of my favorite months out of the year. I love all the family time. I am excited for Campbell to have his first Christmas. He will have no idea what's going on, but I know I will never forget. He will be getting presents even though he won't know. The girls will love opening presents for him. They both have asked me what Santa will be bringing him.  I will take lot's of pictures, and he will later in life appreciate what he received on his first Christmas. With December here that also means Penelope is here too. Penelope is our elf. Everyday she appears somewhere new. Sometimes she's gets into lots of things. She watches the girls everyday, and reports back to Santa. This morning the girls woke up to her dragging toilet paper clear across the bathroom. They thought it was really funny. Every night we ready a story about her.  Each night after they are asleep I will move Penelope to a new place. We started this tradition two years ago. My Aunt Sharon got all the kids started on it. It's something we all look forward to year round, and I hope my kids will do it with their kids too. 

Today, marks one month from when my brother went to his real home. I miss him so much everyday. I am very happy for him, and I know he's having the time of his life. I can't wait to be with him again someday. As I go through the month of December I plan to cherish every moment with my family and friends. I will look around my house and be thankful for the things I have, and thank God everyday for blessing us  with three wonderful children.  I will try not to shed tears, because Andy's celebrating Christmas with Jesus this year. I have a lot to be thankful for this year, but I have to say I am so ready for a new year! 

Tomorrow Tony and I will be taking Campbell to a kidney specialists in Kansas City. I am hoping for great news, and better answers. I have heard wonderful things about Children's Mercy. I had my choice between St. Louis or Kansas City. I picked Kansas City, because the drive is shorter. I will post an update when we get back. I will also try to keep up on the blogging. Here is a picture of Penelope, and Happy December!