Saturday, December 17, 2011

Dear Girls

 Dear Lillian and Kerrington, 

               What a year we have had! Mommy and Daddy have turned your world around by giving you a little brother. We are so proud of how well you take care of him. The both of you have been troopers through it all. Mommy was in the hospital three times, and you both handled it well. Kerrington, you still ask me everyday if I am going back to the hospital. I love how much you care, and always want to take of Daddy and myself. You are such a sweetheart. 
Lillian, We are  so proud of you. Campbell is so lucky to have you have you as his big sister. You are such a smart girl. Thank you for always making us laugh. You are my big girl! 
Mommy and Daddy love you both more than you will ever know. You both bring more smiles and laughs then anything. Our lives would not be complete without the both of you in them. Like Daddy always tells you both, " I'll always love you no matter what."  We love you girls! 

 Daddy & Mommy 

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