Monday, October 31, 2011

Broken Heart

After posting about my great Birthday weekend I never knew I would be facing something so terrible the next morning. It was 6:15am on Sunday October, 30. Tony's phone rang ( mine was on silent) .  I knew the minute he picked it up that it was my Mother. I could hear her voice. She told Tony that we needed to get to the emergency room asap, because my brother Andy was in the hospital not doing well. I quickly got dressed and was with my Mother in 20 minutes. We were the first ones to arrive. My Dad was out of town. I could not get a hold of Gregor. We finally got in contact with him by getting a hold of his roommate. Right after I got there my Aunt Carol and Jennifer were there shortly after followed by Josh, Cheri, and Rachelle. They finally let us go back and see Andy after waiting for an hour. This is when it finally hit me. It was by far the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. I could not keep it together. I stood with my Mom looking at him, and telling him how much I loved him. He was hooked up to so many machines,his eyes were wide open. I was unable to stay a long time, because I was worried about myself. The patient coordinator helped me walk myself back to the waiting room,and other family members took their turn. Tony at this point was at home with the girls until Sheree got to our house to pick them up. 

We have been told by two Docotors and several nurses that Andy won't make it through this. At this point it's just become a waiting game. My Mother continues to amaze me through this. She has been the strongest one for everyone. She has such a strong faith, and I know we will get through this as a family. We will have good days, and I know we will have really bad days. My emotions have taken over me entirely. Being pregnant is not helping either. I spent all day at the hospital with Andy until I was forced to go home and rest at 7pm. I know I need to rest, and still follow bed rest guidelines. I really don't need Campbell to make his appearance at this time. 

My brother Andy aka "Bub" means the world to me. He is one of the most caring people I know. Llillian and Kerrington also love him so much. Another battle I don't want to face is telling the girls. This will be so hard for me . At this point they don't know anything. Andy has been so good to the girls. I am lucky he has spent so much time with them filling in at a my Moms daycare as she has been attending to me.

I hope Andy continues to rest well at the hospital until the Lord decides it's his turn to go. I will keep those updated as things change.Please continue to pray for my family as we go through this difficult time. 

I love you Andy!


  1. Gosh Katy, I can't even begin to imagine what you and your family are going through. But Andy is no longer hurting and he is with Jesus now. Your mom is so amazing. She is so strong and has put everything in God's hands which is very hard to do at times. She has been such an inspiration to me the past couple days. Praying for peace and comfort for your family and praying for baby Campbell. You're such a special friend to me and I love you very much.

  2. I love you too Andy, along with all of my children! I'm so thankful that God loves them even more!
