Wednesday, October 26, 2011

33 Weeks!

I am so happy to be sitting on my couch, and blogging to everyone that I am 33 weeks pregnant today. I'm so glad Campbell and I have made it this far. The success rate at this point is very high. I still am not ready for him to come, but if he did I know he would do great. My Doctor's  have been keeping me really busy with appointments this week. I go now weekly for stress test and ultrasounds. This is just to make sure he is continuing to strive. Campbell does act up sometimes during his stress test. I usually have to drink juice to make him move, because he does not do much of it on his own. One time he still did not move after the juice so the nurse put a stimulator on my belly. This was the craziest thing ever. It's basically a handheld tool that vibrates really hard, and when pushed against my stomach it makes him jump. As soon as she pushed it against my stomach he jolted really hard. It was almost like he was being shocked. Not to mention huge movements like that don't feel the greatest for me either. We do eventually end up passing the test every time, but most of the time Campbell has to have a little help. My Doctor told me this is completely normal, because he simply does not have much room to move. I am happy to say today we passed it with flying colors. I did not even need the juice.

During the ultrasound they check my amniotic fluid levels. I do get to look at him, but he's really hard to see. I don't get pictures because his face is hidden most of the time. Campbell is head down, but facing up looking at me. You want the baby to be face down. The delivery process can sometimes be a little harder if they are face up. I am hoping he will turn his little head, but it's looking like he's pretty comfortable where he's at. 

I have lost a bunch of weight from being in and out of the hospital. My total weight gain with this entire pregnancy is 10LBS. Crazy!! Accoring to ultrasound he's almost half of that. I wish I could pack on some pounds. You would think with sitting at home not exercising I would not have a problem. Maybe I'll start eating ice cream three times a day. Does that count? Kidding. Overall, I am feeling pretty good. Very tired, but thankful I am still a pregnant Momma at 33 weeks. Sorry no belly pictures. Here is me today during stress test. 

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