Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Campbell Update

Wow, where does time go? It has been so long since I have last blogged. Time really gets away from me. I hope I can get back into the grind of things soon. 

Campbell had his first checkup yesterday since leaving the intensive care at St. Johns. He now weighs 5lbs 5oz, and is 20 inches long. He is eating 3oz every 3hrs. He is taking soy formula, because his Doctors were concerned about a possible milk allergy. I think he's liking the soy. I will say it makes his bowel movements smell horribly. He does not seem to mind though. Campbell is still taking his medication for his kidneys. In addition to the medication he is on an iron supplement, and multivitamin. The pediatrician is referring us to a Nephrologists ( kidney specialists) at Children's Mercy in Kansas City. Springfield does not have one. We should be finding out this week when our appointment is set for. I'm crossing my fingers hoping everything turns out well. He is still not sleeping the greatest. I keep telling myself that this does not last forever, and soon he will be a two year old running around. I will soon miss the nights of endless rocking. 

I will be the first to tell you I am horrible at changing his diapers. I am just not use to having a boy yet. I usually end up getting peed or pooped on every time. In time I am sure ill be a pro. I really am enjoying having a little boy. I can already tell how different it is. 

The girls love him so much. Lillian just wants to sit and hold him all the time. She is always running to him when he cries. Kerrington is also very sweet to him. We had a great Thanksgiving, and it was so nice having all three of our children under the same roof. We are truly blessed, and really do have so much to be Thankful for this year. Thank you to everyone who has kept us in their prayers, and are continuing to keep us in your prayers through this holiday season.  We love you all! 

1 comment:

  1. What sweet sweet pictures. The girls are girls be great big sisters. Miss you. Can't wait to hold Campbell for the first time. :)
