Friday, March 2, 2012

My Boy

My sweet Campbell is growing up on me way too fast. It literally breaks my heart to stop and think about it. I am so blessed that God gave me a boy. Campbell is so cuddly, and has the cutest little cheeks I have ever seen. Campbell, please slow down for Mommy! 

Campbell is doing really great. He is still on his kidney medication. The good news is that have not had to change the dosing at all yet. This leads me to believe this will all be behind us one day very soon. We still go for lab work once month, and each time it gets harder on me to watch him suffer through it. He weighs a little over 13lbs, and smiles at the drop of a hat. Campbell has started to babble some, and loves to watch his sisters in his spare time. My Mother tells me he at batting at objects, and laughed out loud. I have yet to witness that. I guess that is a benefit to being a Nana.

I could spend my entire evening sitting and holding him, and rocking him to sleep. I am blessed beyond belief with this little man, and so smitten with him. Campbell, you make Mommy so happy, and I love you to the moon and back! Muah.