Monday, May 14, 2012

Beautiful weather=Park

We have been so blessed with beautiful weather this past week. I have enjoyed it so much. The kids have been able to play outside a lot. My parents live really close to a park with a walking trail that runs right in front of their home to the park. The girls love to ride their bikes on the trail to the park. They would do it every night if they could. Campbell loves to sit and watch everything. That boy loves being outdoors. We went to the park on Saturday, and I thought I would share some of the pictures from our trip. Enjoy!

This week we are looking forward to getting the keys to our new home. We can't wait.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

My Cearal Eating Boy

Last weekend Campbell was started on baby cereal. I was a little nervous on how he would do, because I had a hard time with Kerrington. Lillian did great, but she was not a preemie like the two of them. I admit I was not too excited for him to start. I am having a hard time letting him grow up. He's my last baby, and I feel with each milestone he hits, he is less my baby. He's already half a year old! 

So, I got the cereal all ready. He surprised me so much. He opened his mouth for it. Hardly any of it fell out, and he ate all of it. I was so relieved. I don't think he will have the struggles that Kerrington did. My plan right now is to introduce a new food every Sunday night. This Sunday we will start with green vegetables. I can already tell this boy is going to be just like his Dad. He loves his food A LOT. I am pretty sure he will be eating us out of the house when he gets older. Way to go Campbell on your cereal eating!

Smartie Pants

Two weeks ago Lillian went for her Kindergarten screening. This is a screening process they do in Nixa for all students attending Kindergarten in the fall. They use this a guidline. This is my first time ever going to a Kindergarten screening. Here is how it went down.. 

We walked in the front doors of the administration building. Lillian signed in, and they took it right back. They parents don't attend. They took Lillian back, and then I had to fill out paperwork, and talk to the school nurse. I thought this was going to be somewhat of a fast process. Little did I know one hour went by, and Lillian was still not back out to the waiting room. I was starting to wonder what was going on. I was sitting next to another Mom who insured me that this does take a long time. I felt better. Finally ten more minutes went by, and there she comes! The teacher came out laughing, and Lillian seemed worn out. 

I went back to another room, and they went over Lillian's report with me. She scored a 99%, and she would have scored 100%. Here is why she did not score 100%. The last activity Lillian had to do was count out loud. Lillian can count to 20 with no problems at all. She got to 12,and looked up at the teacher and said, " I can count more than that, but I am done with this." This explains why the teacher was laughing when Lillian came out. That's my girl. I am so proud of her. Way to go Sis. 

Ok, here is my confession... I did cry in the car on the way there. Here is a picture of my big girl.

The past 4 weeks

So, I want to apologize for not blogging in such a long time. The one word I would use for this is.. exhausted. I am so tired. We have been at my parent's house for the past four weeks. This is our last weekend staying here. It has been very nice, and we are very lucky to have a place to stay. The first couple weeks Campbell was getting up 4-5 times a night. It was seriously putting a toll on me mentally and physically. I remember waking up one night after the fifth time, and then waking up Tony telling him he HAD to do something. I think I ended up in bed with Lillian in a different room. That is not a night I want to revisit anytime too soon. 

I can't believe this coming week I will get to go home. My Mom says she won't be sad, but I think she will. We have lot's of things we have to get done this week on top of us both working. I am grateful for the guys who have agreed to help, and my Mom for taking off work to come help me un-pack. I am ready to start and be done with moving. I hope to never move again. Now, if Friday could get here soon that would be great. Thanks again to our little helpers.